Our Top 3 Reasons Why Rash Vests Are A Must

Our Top 3 Reasons Why Rash Vests Are A Must

16th October 2019

There isn’t much that kids love more in life than big days at the beach. And while we admire their eagerness to get the most out of summer, the effects that the harsh rays of the sun have on their skin are real. Whether they’re learning how to surf or just desire added warmth in the water, rash vests are reliable for shielding them from the sun as much as irritation. From keeping them comfortable on their board to being UPF 50+, here are our top 3 reasons to invest in rash vests for the kids this summer.

They Provide Ultra Violet Protection

As children’s skin is sensitive to the sun, it is important to keep them protected from prolonged exposure. Featuring UPF features of 50+ or more, our rash vests allow only 1/50th of the sun’s UV radiation to pass through. In the places where their skin is protected by a rash vest, they will experience a 50% reduction in UV radiation exposure.

Kids Rashies

Minimised Risk of Skin Irritation

Surf rash is a real problem people face on the board. As salt water softens and weakens the skin, abrasive sea salts rub against it and create an exfoliating effect. When this effect takes place over a prolonged period, the skin becomes inflamed and results in what we know as surf rash. Whilst many enthusiasts will experience surf rash from time to time due to the nature of the sport, the best way to minimise and rid them is by wearing a rash vest.

Kids Rash Vests
Kids Rash Vests

Added Comfort and Warmth in the Water

As well as providing protection from the abrasive effects of the sport, rash vests also supply added comfort and warmth in the water. Fitted out in both long and short-sleeve designs from a blend of fabrics that are durable and stretchable, rash vests add another layer to their looks and maintains stable body temperatures.